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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

technologia en la clase de espanol

Tecnologia Para la Clase de Español III
http://www.vocaroo.com/ - Use to tape audio and send to anyone.

http://www.voki.com/ - get ready to make your own animated figure.

http://twitter.com/ - All Spanish III/IV students will register here for private accounts. Remember to join me and create a private account only.

http://linguafolio.unl.edu/index.php - Classroom Portfolios

http://www.youtube.com/my_webcam - tape and publish yourself on YouTube

Spanish cartoons

Go to this site to watch cartoons in Spanish!

spanish.theselva.com › Spanish Resources & Reviews

la prensa/ the press: situation in Egypt (Spanish world point of view)

Chica PI
Salud y Belleza
Viajes y Turismo
Eventos Sociales

Otras Noticias - Mundo

* Confunden dibujo de Nickelodeon con película porno
* Sequía en China es considerada la peor en 60 años
* Aún no se sabe nada de niñas suizas desaparecidas
* Vicepresidente de Egipto alerta sobre peligro de golpe militar
* Egipto: Presidente sube sueldos
* Más de 4 mil familias duermen en carpas tras sismo de Chile en 2010
* Google recuerda cumpleaños de Julio Verne
* Joven de 23 años quiso violar a su bisabuela de 99
* Repararán antiguedades dañadas en Egipto
* Mujer dio falsa alarma de bomba en avión por evitar viaje de su pareja

Situación en Egipto cada vez es peor Bookmark and Share
03/02/2011 a las 12:52 pm
0 Comentarios
Egipto, 03 feb (peruinforma.com).- Reporteros de la agencia noticiosa internacional ''AFP'', informaron que se produjo el día de hoy una gran balacera en la plaza Tahrir, en El Cairo, entre simpatizantes y adversarios del gobierno de Hosni Mubarak.

A las 14.30 hora local (7:30 hora peruana), ocurrió el tiroteo entre ambos bandos, ubicados en el pueste 6 de Octubre, muy cerca de la plaza Tahrir.

La ''Plaza de la Liberación'' (Plaza Tahrir) desde ayer es el epicentro de enfrentamientos entre adversarios y simpatizantes del gobierno, que hasta ahora han dejado 5 muertos sólo allí, porque por las manifestaciones ocurridas desde hace diez días en el país de las 'Pirámides' hay un total de 300 fallecidos y 3000 heridos.

youtube videos in Spanish


* Mahalo.com
* Mahalo How To
* Mahalo Answers
* Mahalo Store

What is Mahalo?
YouTube Movies
Categories: Entertainment | Movies | YouTube Videos | Popular Websites | Youtube | Video Sharing | Technology & Internet | Social Media | Web Entertainment | Videos

YouTube Facts
o Launched: December 2005 http://www.youtube.com/t/about1
o Founder(s): Chad Hurley and Steve Chen http://www.youtube.com/t/company_history2
o Headquarters: San Bruno, California http://www.google.com/jobs/workyoutube/f...3
o Funding: Sequoia Capital (November 2005); Sold to Google (2006) http://www.youtube.com/t/company_history4
o Users: Estimated at 450 million http://www.trefis.com/company?hm=GOOG.tr...5
o CEO: Chad Hurley http://www.youtube.com/t/company_history6
o Employees: Undisclosed http://www.google.com/jobs/workyoutube/f...7

YouTube Movies
YouTube Movies are widely available for viewing on YouTube.com. While blockbusters and recent movies are generally not available due to licensing restrictions, a wide range of amateur videos by individuals are available. There are some movies from licensed movie studios that have been uploaded to the site, but they are quite limited in number. Recently, the site added a new section for movies that is separated by type. Genres of films on YouTube include: action and adventure, family, science fiction, romance, comedy, sports and documentaries. New and upcoming movies also release trailers for viewing on YouTube.http://www.youtube.com/movies8

YouTube was founded in February 2005 by Chad Hurley and Steve Chen. It is the largest online video community on the Internet. Users can create free accounts and upload their own videos and clips for viewing by the public. They can also select certain videos as favorites and subscribe to particular channels, which are specific content sections created by other subscribers.http://www.youtube.com/t/about9 Initially an independent company, YouTube was bought by the Internet company Google on October 9, 2006 for $1.65 billion in stock.http://www.google.com/press/pressrel/google_youtube.html10

Since its launch, YouTube's reach has expanded globally. It is available in 19 countries, including Hong Kong, Italy, the United Kingdom and Canada. The site can also be viewed in 12 languages.http://www.youtube.com/t/faq11 On average, 20 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute.http://www.youtube.com/t/fact_sheet12 A recent estimate of YouTube users exceeded 450 million.http://www.trefis.com/company?hm=GOOG.trefis&hk=e9d9946e5e85b713ce2b7ce7e68a8436721805c4&driver=0643#13

In July, 2010 the company announced the launch of YouTube LeanBack, which allows the user to view and search videos with only the arrow and enter keys on the computer keyboard.http://www.youtube.com/leanback14 This service will be available on televisions.
YouTube and Copyright
Copyrighted movies are not allowed to be posted to YouTube without an agreement from the distributor or creator. According to the copyright policy, the site works to "cooperate with copyright holders to identify and promptly remove any infringing content".http://www.youtube.com/t/faq15 Some movies from the large movie studios have been uploaded to YouTube with permission. The site has reached agreements with a few distribution companies to air full length movies. Other films can be rented and viewed on a computer for prices ranging from 99 cents to $2.99.http://www.youtube.com/movies16

Short clips of many copyrighted movies have also been uploaded to YouTube, but may not infringe on the right of the creators. These can often be viewed by searching for the film title or star in the search box. In this situations, the number of stars in the rating can be a guide as to which clips are actually from the movie. Some users upload clips that purport to be a new or copyrighted movie but are actually still shots with links to pirated sites, so use caution when browsing for recent and licensed films.
YouTube Movies

cultural items: carnival

Carnaval in South America
Carnaval, also called carnival, is celebrated in many places throughout South America. Carnaval, as spelled in Portuguese, is a 4-day celebration. It starts on Saturday and ends on Fat Tuesday (Mardi-Gras). Dates change every year, but it's always a noisy, energetic celebration of music and dance and exhibitions.
Barranquilla’s Carnival an event to remember
Billed as the second largest carnival in South America, the grand parade of Barranquilla’s carnival has it all - group after group of folkloric dancers and singers wearing colorful costumes; very unique floats (or carriages as the locals call them); and finally, a cast of characters that may be unmatched anywhere in the world.
Carnaval in Bolivia
Bolivia's carnaval activities take place mainly in Oruro, Santa Cruz, Tarija and La Paz and generally have a more religious content. The devil dance in Oruro is traditional and unforgettable. You'll want to see this one!
Sponsored Links

Carnival 2011 in BrazilBook Now, Receive a Free Party! Air, Hotel, Carnival Parties, More toursgonewild.com/Brazil_Carnival

South American AdventuresAffordable Small Group Guided Tours Plan & Book Your Adventure Today! www.gapadventures.com/South-America

Vacation Packages to PeruGreat Rates and Testimonials Customized Travel, Tours, Hotels www.peruforless.com
Carnaval in Barranquilla, Colombia
Rather than samba, salsa resounds through the streets of Barranquilla when parades and music gather thousands together to frolic until they drop.
Carnaval in Venezuela
Venezuela celebrates the carnaval, or carnival, festivities with dance, music, balloons, family festivities, lavish costumes and parades and a great deal of joy.
Carnaval came to South America from Europe as celebrations before the beginning of the forty day Lenten season of fasting and prayer. These late winter celebrations in Europe gave root to the high-summer frenzy of carnaval in South America.
Carnaval Samba Parade in Rio de Janeiro Photo Gallery
"Carnaval in Rio is one of the greatest shows on earth, and the annual Samba Parade at the Sambodromo is the most festive and colorful of all."
Carnaval - Brazil's biggest party
The four days and nights of carnaval in Rio de Janeiro are the lavish self-indulgent anything-goes exotic exhibitionist spectacle the world sees. They are the result of year-long planning organizing practicing and fantasies - and a lot of hard work - but Rio isn't the only place in Brazil to celebrate.

recetas bilingues/bilingual recipes for the Spanish classroom!

Go look on this site!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

How to teach stem changing verbs in Spanish

Stem-changing verbs | Spelling change verbs

Spanish has two kinds of verbs that undergo spelling changes during conjugation. Spelling change verbs undergo consonant changes in certain conjugations, while stem-changing verbs are characterized by changes in vowels. Stem-changing verbs are those that have a vowel spelling change in the stem of all forms except nosotros and vosotros.

The endings for stem-changing verbs are the same as for regular -AR, -ER, and -IR verbs, so you should make sure that you understand those conjugations before working on this lesson.

Spanish has three different stem-changing patterns:

1. E changes to IE
QUERER - to want
yo quiero nosotros queremos
tú quieres vosotros queréis
él quiere ellos quieren

Similarly-conjugated verbs (note that there are -AR, -ER, and -IR verbs in this category):
advertir to warn
ascender to go up
atravesar to cross
cerrar to close
comenzar to begin
descender to go down
despertarse to wake up
divertirse to have fun
empezar to begin
entender to understand
mentir to lie
pensar to think
perder to lose
preferir to prefer
quebrar to break
querir to want
recomendar to recommend
sentarse to sit down
sentir to feel

2. O changes to UE
PODER - can, to be able to
yo puedo nosotros podemos
tú puedes vosotros podéis
él puede ellos pueden

Similar verbs (there are -AR, -ER, and -IR verbs in this category):
acostarse to go to bed
almorzar to eat lunch
contar to count
costar to cost
doler to hurt
dormir to sleep
encontrar to find
jugar* to play
morir to die
mostrar to show
oler** to smell
probar to try
recordar to remember
soler to be used to
volar to fly
volver to return

* In jugar, the U changes to UE (juego, juegas...)
** In oler, the O changes to HUE (huelo, hueles...)

3. E changes to I
REPETIR - to repeat
yo repito nosotros repetimos
tú repites vosotros repetís
él repite ellos repiten

Similar verbs (only -IR verbs in this category):
despedirse to say good-bye
gemir to moan, groan
impedir to prevent
medir to measure
pedir to ask for
reír to laugh
seguir to follow, continue
servir to serve
sonreírse to smile
vestirse to dress

Test on stem-changing verbs Spanish verb lessons

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